SCAM Services Never Rendered

Yellani Submitted this review about USA CarShip Inc.
Review made Live: 6/11/2024 9:17:00 AM
I needed to hire a car shipment company on and John Deph from USA Car Ship Inc reached out to me. He was aggressive in nature and repetitive in his speech. He frequently called me at times that were more appropriate for someone working in the IST time zone and he had a foreign accent. He provided a contract and quote that was competitive versus other car shippers. He asked for a $175 deposit and guaranteed sending the driver and insurance details as soon as possible. Even with my follow-up every week and then every day up until the date of pick-up, John never provided the information required to fulfill the shipment. A few days before the shipment John attempted to scam me out of more money saying that there was not a lot of driver availability. My original quote price went from $775 to $1350 overnight. I denied the increase several times via phone, text, and email. John began to harass me calling me 10-12 times in an hour. He writes that he dispatched the driver though no driver ever answered my calls or text messages to confirm pickup window. He then denied a refund of the deposit even though it was a refundable deposit and contingent on pickup. Do NOT work with this company.