Brenton Smothers Submitted this review about USA CarShip Inc.
Review made Live: 7/6/2024 10:44:00 AM
Do not do business with USA Carship. These bait and switching, unethical, unaccountable, guarantee-breaking, liars are not worthy of your business. Recently, I received a quote from USA Carship that was lower than most of their competitors. That was lie number 1. Lie number 2 was guaranteeing the quoted price would be the actual price. Lie number 3 was guaranteeing the car would go out on the 3rd. Lie number 4 was that it would definitely go out on the holiday of July 4th. Lie number 5 was that the woman assigned to my order, Deborah, was out the previous day with a family emergency. Later, the Manager told me she was working hard all day on my order, the same day she allegedly was gone due to a family emergency. Lie number 6 was that they would definitely get it out on the 5th for the agreed price and had a driver scheduled. They never took accountability, lied throughout the entirety of our interactions, and could not deliver anywhere near their guaranteed quote. Their solution was to charge me double the initial quoted price they had guaranteed. Do not give them your business. Huge mistake to hire them, please don’t make the same mistake as me. They said they would issue a refund, but it is difficult to trust as they have revealed themselves as habitual liars. Do not trust the reviews on trustpilot. They artificially inflate their positive reviews and my guess is they’ll report this one to try and reduce the overwhelming poor reviews. This company is shady AF.