Ultimate Nightmare!

Dave Williams Submitted this review about Ultimate Logistics
Review made Live: 7/6/2005 8:44:00 AM
Somewhere in the advertisement I read that pickup of your vehicle typically takes 24-48 hours. Yea right! Ha, ha!! What a bunch of freakin' SCAMMERS! Here is the pitch: When you initially call they are super-friendly. I even talked to the owner's son, who gave the impression over the phone that he "burned the midnight oil" there at his family business, and that if I had any problems with my auto-move, to just "give him a call". Well, he disappeared off the face of the earth, this in spite of repeated phone calls and emails to speak with him. Calling the "transport" office to leave a message was a joke! Eventually I had to practically plead with the receptionist to have a someone (anyone) call me. After more than three weeks, I had had enough of Ultimate Incompetence, and switched carriers. Upon leave, I kissed my $200 deposit behind, clutched in the dishonest hands of the scam artists. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT USING UTIMATE LOGISTICS, INC.!! RUN THE OTHER WAY!!!