Exactly as Promised

Robert Lewis Submitted this review about Ultimate Logistics
Review made Live: 7/2/2004 11:43:00 AM
I had read the previous bad review but decided to give Ulimate Logistics a chance anyway. All I had to loose was my deposit. For some reason, I thought one bad experience isn't necessarily the overall reputation of the company.

I contacted them on Monday June 14th, FAX'd them my order, and sent the deposit overnight. They gave me an approximate pick up window of Friday through Tuesday, and said they would contact me at least 24 hours ahead of time. They called me on Thursday the 17th to tell me the car would be picked up the next day.

The car was picked up on Friday the 18th as promised. The driver called me on Monday the 21st to tell me he would deliver it on Tuesday the 22nd in the afternoon and we would coordinate a more exact time the next day. He called from just outside the city to give me a more exact time, and he was there as expected.

Fred Gregson was my contact at Ultimate Logistics and they exceeded my expectations. I expected both the pickup and delivery of the car to take longer than was delivered. I would call Fred again at Ultimate Logistics.