bye arizona hello michigan

dee d Submitted this review about United Car Transport
Review made Live: 12/15/2010 3:14:00 PM
I have never used an auto carrier before so I was nervous.I went on the internet and got about
6 different quotes to transport my chrysler jeep from Surprise AZ to Bloomfield MI.The jeep is a gift for my son.I interviewed the 6 reps and decided on Mark from United Car Transport.His quote was one of the highest.In spite of this I chose Mark because he was one of the most knowledgeable reps and he sounded eager and enthusiastic about his Company.My husband and I met with our driver Valy from Valy Express and were instantly at peace knowing the jeep was in very capable hands.The jeep arrived 3 days later in Bloomfield in spite of blizzard conditions and our son reports the drop went very quickly and smoothly.The jeep arrived in perfect condition so many thanks to Mark and Valy for making this happen..GREAT JOB