be prepared to wait, and wait, and wait...

Nathan Pauli Submitted this review about United Road Services, Inc
Review made Live: 7/28/2008 9:32:00 PM
Short story: I canceled because they were taking too long. Fuel surcharge not a good thing either.

Long Story:
After comparing several quotes, I booked United Road (aka to move my large pickup truck because they seemed to be fairly professional and had nothing bad to say about them. Their quote ($1122) was not the lowest, but less than average. However, when I called, they added a $224 fuel surcharge to the price. I booked anyway, hoping that "you get what you pay for." When I booked, they said to expect 1-10 business days to pickup and maybe 4 days or so for transit for my 1600+ mile trip. I started calling to check up about 1.5 weeks later, and called about twice a week thereafter. Except for one or two evening calls, it was always fairly easy to get a hold of them. I always got the same story: "no carrier assigned yet, we'll try to do such and such to get it moving faster." I ended up canceling after 3 weeks because I had found someone else that could ship it for the same price and could actually tell me when they would pick it up.