Transported my Porsche Turbo without a hitch

Jacob Canoe Submitted this review about United Routes LLC
Review made Live: 6/9/2009 1:40:00 AM
From the moment I called the guys at United Routes, I felt the professionalism through the phone. We mapped out a feasible route for my car and Kasey made sure that the route would allow my car to be in LA by the time the next weekend had rolled around my anniversary. The truck showed up at 4:15PM. exactly when they said they would be there ( my schedule is very tight) and the car was loaded and wrapped before I could offer the driver a drink.

Upon receiving my car in California (the same day that Kasey said it would be there), I was delighted to see my car in perfect shape- not a scratch or a dink on the body (like has happened to me in the past with "discount" car transport). All in all, Im extremely happy with the overall service I received from United Routes. I highly recommend them!

-Jacob Canoe
Miami, Florida