Submitted this review about Universal Transport LLC Review made Live: 7/17/2013 1:22:00 PM
BAIT AND SWITCH!!! In 65 years I have never had a worse experience. Alex estimated the total for the move at $625.00 which he indicated was a fair price for all concerned. When no truckers took the job I had him raise it to $700.00 total to stimulate interest in the shipment. They "dispatched" the load to Unicum Transport. The trucker broke every promise he made over a 3 day span and when I CALLED HIM he said that his truck had broken down near Cape Coral. He said that his dispatcher had no doubt called to advise me of the problem. NOT!! I subsequently found out that the transporter had left Florida heading west. without my car. (I guess his truck was not very broken?????LOL LOL) Repeated phone calls and emails to Universal Trucking go unanswered. They have the shipment posted on the Load Board as $700 payable to the driver. How can they pay the driver the full amount of the bid??? Just a scam!!!! All Universal was trying to do was generate a deposit for their profit.
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Alex Kelly
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