Guy Bradt
Submitted this review about VLS LLC Review made Live: 8/1/2010 4:22:00 PM
Bought a Dodge Viper from Lucky Motors in Illinois, to be shipped to Scotia NY. First truck that arrived at my dealer had some mechanical problems, that was Friday, parts would be in Monday. Dealer asked for another truck, truck arrived Tuesday, loaded car. Shipper said car would arrive Thursday PM. Had phone problems with VLS? Would ring once and drop the call or would hear music? Tried both numbers, finally contacted home office and was told that Friday would be delivery date. Was given cell number for driver, Denny. Denny was a great guy! We compared GPS and my directions. He had a very long truck! I drove to I-88 and met him so he could follow me since rural streets are narrow. I brought him to a large parking lot 1/2 mile from my house and unloaded my car. He was on his way to next stop. Mechanical problems happen, over all a great transaction!
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