Experience using this company...

Alex Submitted this review about We Will Transport It Corp
Review made Live: 7/12/2013 1:58:00 AM
Ashamed that my location was out the way from what most drivers would go for, at first i went with another company who was telling us that they would pick up the car and took a month to let me know that they wouldn't be able to, pick up was done a day before we needed to fly out to California for our move here, once me and my wife took further thought to investigate more, we found this company (we will transport corp) and started talking to Reggie and he made us feel that we will definitely get a driver. The price was high but we had to take into consideration that it was the day before july 4th, a day before it needed to be shipped out and also it is going across country, average amount given to us from other company's was 1200-1375, but we were desperate and the driver came door to door, arrived late because we live far from where they are use to but he was able to make it and secure the car safely. We then were redirected to the dispatcher in the company and we called quite a few times and they were patient with us and also when the time got closer informed us that the driver would call a day before the ship date to confirm address and also timing. The driver who delivered the car made it here on time like he said, i checked my car and what i sent in it and everything was just as i left it, good thing is we paid 200$ upfront and the rest wasn't given until delivery. We were given receipts on both the day it was picked and delivered. We must say if it wasn't for Reggie and his major concern for us to make this work it wouldn't have happened so would defitnently use this company and Reggie to make another transport, hopefully for a much lower price!