Wheeler Shippping Equals Honest and Reliable Servi

Mariano Castillo Submitted this review about Wheeler Shipping
Review made Live: 1/9/2006 10:54:00 PM
This website and the reviews helped me alot in choosing and deciding which transport to go with in shipping my SUV from IL to NV. All the reviews I have read regarding Wheeler Shipping were all positive. I am extremely glad that I believed them and gave Wheeler my business. Their rates were very competitive, but what made me go with them was that I sensed their honesty and sincerity in doing business, specially when I talked to Sue Wheeler. She made me feel comfortable throughout the whole process. She made follow-up calls and gave me a status and a heads up when appropriate. My SUV was picked up and delivered on time. I am extremely statisfied with the service and high recommend Wheeler Shipping. Thanks Sue.