Luke saved it!

Edmund Sacco Submitted this review about WorldWide Shipping (NO Longer Active)
Review made Live: 1/20/2016 4:36:00 PM
Two weeks ago I was in Okeechobee visiting family and I saw two ATVS for sale. I spoke to the seller and they were a great price, but I was leaving the next day and wouldn't be able to make it back for a few weeks. I had a trip planned to Umatilla and it would have been perfect to have these with me. I was able to get a really reasonable price from Luke and he had them delivered the morning before my trip. I am a little late in writing this review but I am a man of my word, as I told Luke, and it's a good contact to have..someone who can get things done. There is a certain level of responsibility when you own your own company and this guy brings it to the table.