Damaged and not responding

Scott Submitted this review about 1 World Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/12/2010 10:03:00 AM
Yea don't be fooled by this company, they no nothing about transporting. They should be put completely out of business. My 2006 Audi A4 came to me in Abu Dhabi in shambles. The air was let out of the tires and driven on to the flatbed like that. Top of car scraped up as if trying to clear something (and of course didnt make it, hence the air being let out to clear it). Bumber and trunk damage, new various dents all over and to top off everything about 2 months worth of mold about 1/4 inch thick growing thoroughout the interior. I wanted to puke. They will not respond to my emails and they owe for damages done. No one should experience anything like this. Sad service with 1 auto movers and here in Dubai with CanMed. Please do not use this company unless you want your vehicle damaged. I wish I read this site before I used them. Please pass the word, these companies are worthless.