Short & Long Haul - Eric Sailer dba 1st Call Auto Haul is a Miracle Worker. Integrity, diligent, open communication thr...
Great Service! - I e-mailed Eric because the other transportation company never came through. Within minutes, Eric c...
My 911 transport - Just a big thank you to Eric and his team. He was/is knowlegeable and straight forward. He actual ...
Very good service. We've used them twice. - I transported my Son's Jeep Wrangler ROUND trip to and from New Jersey and the Marine Corps Base in ...
Flawless return trip - I wrote a glowing review of 1st Call's handling of my daughter's auto back in January when s...
Enclosed transport from CA to NJ - Based on the earlier reviews from this site, and Eric's response to the negative feedback from s... is a Community Site Proudly Operated By Moving Sites, LLC.
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