Beware, don't deliver

Kevon Lowe Submitted this review about American Auto Relocation Pros.
Review made Live: 7/25/2008 8:47:00 PM
Contracted with this company to pick up a truck, pay them the deposit on time, they promised to pick up the truck the very next day, never pick up the truck they provided me with wrong phone number of the driver that wa suppose to pick up the truck, and after numerous phone calls to customer service I finally got a number I called the driver and he told me that he did not have any pick up schedule from that company. After 10 days of waiting for them to deliver the service I contracted with them, I found another company that pick up the truck the next day and the truck arrived to Virginia in a week. Beware with this company they quick to get your deposit and then they don't refund you back although they don't deliver what they contracted. I would stay away from this company. Their customer service is very poor, if you happen to get in touch with anybody. Stay away from them, customer beware!!!!