THE "NO UPFRONT DEPOSIT" SALES GIMMICK EXPOSED: If you haven't shown any commitment as a customer by paying a good faith upfront deposit or down payment, then do you really think that such companies will work hard on your behalf or even take your transport needs seriously at all? Absolutely, Positively Not.Once you discover that these such companies are grossly incompetent and reviews being horrid, and they are not able to find you a carrier, they will then offer the lame excuse that they did NOT charge you anything so therefore you shouldn't hold them accountable for your car not moving. No commitment from you means no commitment from them! Customers who won't pay a good faith upfront deposit are usually not serious about moving their vehicle or vehicle's and wind up bidding against themselves by having MULTIPLE brokers(COMPANIES) posting their vehicles on Central Dispatch. This practice of "broker shopping" yields nothing but Disastrous results for such customers because carriers don't call on jobs that are booked with Multiple Broker's. AMERICAN STANDARD Always requires an Upfront Deposit which means that you have officially Hired me as your personal broker to get the job done(It states in the contract the Deposit is Fully Refundable if Services are not rendered). I Unconditionally Guarantee that your car WILL be picked up by a Reputable Carrier or you will receive a 100% refund of your good faith upfront deposit!Please Read my reviews for yourself, as you will see I'm very good at what I dob=). We would love to take you aboard and after everything is completely finished, I would like to add your Review below!