A Perfect Ending!

Laurie Tabinski Submitted this review about AutoStar Transport Express
Review made Live: 7/22/2013 8:57:00 PM
Thank you AutoStar for delivering my car quickly and in perfect condition. It was well worth sending it out a day early with my husband's car so they could arrive at the same time. The driver's delivered my car to the front door of our hotel. It was great being able to drive to the settlement on our new home, and park them in the garage that night. Thank you AutoStar for a perfect ending!

Company Response
Mike Cannon from AutoStar Transport Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/23/2013 2:06:00 PM
From George Prestera george.prestera@autostartransport.com Thanks for the great review Laurie!!! I am so happy everything turned out perfect. If you or anyone else needs a vehicle tranported please give me a call 888-802-8250 ext 2238