Very satisfied...honest and prompt service

Kumar Submitted this review about AutoZipper
Review made Live: 9/14/2007 2:37:00 PM
Brian told me that the car would be picked up within 2-10 days and sure enough it was picked up on the third day of my order with advance! The driver (Billy) looked honest and sincere. And he was. He returned my calls whenever I left him voicemails and gave me the latest. He told me what route he was taking and when my car would be at Colorado Springs (CoS). As promised he made it in 4 days. I got my car the day I landed at CoS, saving me money on car rental. Although little dirty (since it was an open truck, but it was expected anyway), my car arrived without any damage or loss of anything inside the car. I was to give Billy the balance amount on delivery but thanks to his trucking company's goof-up he told me that nothing was due as it was charged to my credit card..!! Later I found from the trucking company that they had made a mistake on the order and that my card wasn't actually charged. So I paid them the balance.

I am extremely happy with the entire deal only because Brian was able to find a very good transporter. Not only did he give me the lowest quote but was also honest throughout the process. He returned my calls and kept me informed of the progress. I will certainly use his services next time and also recommend him to my friends.

Thank you Brian..
