Danny Submitted this review about Brothers Transport LLC
Review made Live: 7/24/2014 5:26:00 PM
I had 3 cars shipped using this company. All of them were older classics....
The company/driver let a leaking car drip oil/transmission fluid ALL OVER my cars!
They left the leaking car on the upper deck FOR 5 DAYS instead of swapping the leaker to the lower deck.
It RUINED my windshield and damaged my paint. I spent 6 hours cleaning it with little success.
Between the leaking fluid (and driving wind) my vehicle was a TOTAL mess. All dirt and grime stuck to the oils from its long trip.
Driver also smashed into a huge curb while backing the truck up onto my street.
Owner WENT INTO HIDING when I complained about damages. NOT **NOT** an honorable company. The driver also took off without giving me my paperwork!
Their insurance company is an ABSOLUTE JOKE. I'm still chasing them 6 weeks later.
No wonder why the driver was begging for cash over the phone when he was a few hours away.
What a MESS!