not happy

anthony Submitted this review about Budget Auto Movers
Review made Live: 7/20/2013 3:27:00 PM
i was told on wedesday afternoon he had a carrier that was in iowa for two days and was able to pick up the truck that i was buying on friday so i took a 16 hour drive to buy that truck. they call me on thurday when i was on the road and told me that the carrier had left iowa but he had some one that could do it and was going to call me back to set it up and didn't call me back on friday so i called him back and the phone has been disconected so i tried there second number and was the same . now it is saturday 3:00 no ones called today to let me know whats up and the person that i purchase the truck from is going away so theres no one there to release it . now i tried to call a new company and that person told me that buget movers had me still posted looking for a carrier . i don't know what to do