I couldn't believe the speed of the transaction and the EXCELLENT customer service I received for such a low price. $565, cheaper than any other quote, but Danielle and Kim were SO nice and professional.
The delivery took 8 or 9 days to be scheduled (which was within the 10 days they said it could possibly take) but once they booked it my car was picked up the next day and delivered the next. It even coincidentally came in an enclosed trailer at the open trailer price (luck of the draw)!!
Driver was very nice, very professional. Spot on with his delivery time estimation, and very accomodating concerning rendezvous location. (Scott Wolfe, I believe....Wolfe Trucking or something like that).
Danielle was so nice and helpful that I prosposed to her even though we live about 13 states apart and I've never seen her (and I am a VERY shallow, superficial person).
Use Cascade, you won't be disappointed.
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