It arrived...that's all I can say

David Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 3/16/2008 8:09:00 PM
This was a mess...I have purchased 2 other cars off eBay out of Florida and had them shipped without the slightest problem via other shippers, but this one is a mess.

First off I gave DAS the contact information for the party on the other end. Found out after calling DAS and getting nowhere....that I tried calling the terminal in Massachusettes. They had dealt with someone else at this dealership on another case and decided to call them instead of using the DAS info. Well...someone went off on their own and called the wrong number...this went on for 3 weeks where they said the 'seller' was unavailable. DUH!! So I informed them they called the wrong number. They called the 'seller' the next day...and yes he was THERE...and told them they were going to pick up a Cadillac. They didn't say WHOSE Cadillac or what year, coincidence the 'seller' had two Cadillacs that he had sold on eBay...and when the transporter showed up to take the car to the terminal, it was the WRONG CAR at the meeting point!!!! Guess what happened next...sure enough, I get a call and get charged an additional amount because they had to go get my car!!! GREAT, I get charged because someone else screwed up!!!!!!!!!!!

The transport part went smooth enough...actually I have no complaints with the speed of the move at all. It showed up here even though DAS's tracker said it was still in Pennsylvania!!

The car arrived at the terminal here...and they didn't clean it. When my daughter showed up to pick it up, it wasn't clean...ok it was snowing that day, I guess that's an excuse... and there was a rock chip in the windshield. Not sure when it happened, it wasn't listed on the initial report... it wasn't noticed by her until she got home and we cleaned it up a couple of days later! The topper was there was a cut in the tire...bad enough that there is no way it was transported like that, it was unrepairable and she had to stop several times to fill the tires before she could get it home (bummer, there was no spare in the car!!). I had purchased insurance on the vehicle and wrote to DAS immediately about the one ever got back to me.

Needless to say, while I don't totally blame DAS itself...they can't be held totally responsible for what their 'terminal' facilities do...but I'm thoroughly digusted by the whole process.