Truck transport

Mac Submitted this review about Domestic Auto Transport
Review made Live: 3/30/2010 3:42:00 PM
I had many doubts initially about having my vehicle shipped across the country. I am very type A and like to know the ins and outs of a deal from the start. With Domestic Auto Transport, I had numerous questions like "How long before my truck ships?, Does this ever not work out?and How long could I potentially be waiting?" I would highly reccomend having a back-up address and contact person so that if you have the luxury of time, you can use it highly to your advantage. We were able to wait an additional week and after we had reached our final destination the call came from Domestic Auto Transport that our truck would be picked up. It was picked up in a timely manner and shipped very quicly and was brought to our address after a few negotiations with the drivers. They of course were worried about having the space to unload and turn a large truck around. After some assurance they happily arrived and unloaded our vehicle. If I ever move across the country again, I will use this company again.

Company Response
terry Williams from Domestic Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/8/2010 6:15:00 PM
Mac~Well thank you for the compliment and same goes for you, you were a fabulous customer to work with. Glad your trip went well. Contact me if you need my services again! (360) 834-6013 or *Elizabeth*