Debited our bank account without authorization

Cathy Swarner Submitted this review about ICS Auto Transpor LLC
Review made Live: 1/8/2007 6:56:00 PM
This company delivered our vehicle to us 11.24.06. We were told it had to be paid C.O.D. which is exactly what we did.
We paid $677.00 once the vehicle was delivered. They wanted 150.00 deposit initially which had been paid by credit card over the phone prior to anything being done. We were ok with that, however on 12-14-06, 2 weeks later, we noticed a 1000.00 debit on our bank statement from ICS transport plus 2 additional 150.00 debits on 12-23-06 and 12-29-06. We were very confused with this and called the bank immediately. Also of importance, it took a week to get a live person at ICS to help clear this matter. ICS had debited our account and had no reason why it had been done and said they credited the payments on 1-5-07, but in fact it was not done.
Today is 1-8-07 and Kim from ICS sent us a statement that it had in fact been credited today.
We have not yet verified it with the bank but Kim from ICS did fax us a copy of the credit card credit slips.
Beware and proceed with Caution.