Haulin Six

Mike Baker Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 12/2/2009 6:31:00 PM
It's about the customer service, isn't it? Thats why you feel good about choosing the right company to move your cars & trucks. These guy's at M2Reeves made me feel at ease about shipping my six vintage cars 1500 miles, and checkout this price...$3600, thats with 2 cars that don't run, had to be winched onto the hauler! Their driver Jeff, was very carefull & methodical while loading the cars, and was easy to talk to. Jeff updated me from the road & the cars arrived without any damage on our planned day. The woman that made all this happen ( and made me smile ) Is Katie at M2Reeves carshipping. Katie, u rock! My name is Mike and shipped in Nov. 2009.