Jeep Maryland to Hawaii

Juan Caviedes Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 11/30/2009 2:12:00 AM
Jeep was delivered to Hawaii 2 days early. Unfortunately it was missing the spare tire that was mounted on the tailgate of the jeep. The owner of the trucking company stated the rim and tire were not on the jeep when it was picked up. Both my dad and my brother stated that the jeep definitely had the spare tire and rim on the tailgate as it is very obvious to notice. I spoke to magic auto transport and they told me that they were not responsible to contact the shipping company. The shipping company stated that there was nothing that they could do. So I lost the about five hundred with the spare rim and mud tire being stolen.

The jeep also arrived with a broken driver side door hinge. Basically the door won’t shut when you close it. This was courtesy of Matson. I am still trying to get money from them to try and get the door fixed.

My biggest recommendation is to make sure that you have full coverage auto insurance and a low deductible.

Below are the dates for

Spoke with Magic carpet placed order 9/22

Estimated delivery date was 10/27

Jeep was picked up in Maryland 9/26

Jeep was delivered to California 10/10

Jeep shipped from MD to HI on 10/15

Jeep arrived in HI 10/20