Amazing Experience!

Nova Submitted this review about National Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 8/26/2009 12:23:00 AM
Our experience was great!!! Sunday night, August 23, we put in an online request for bids from multiple transporter companies, as well as an ad, and instantly started receiving calls. Monday morning, August 24, Manny at National Auto Shipping called and offered to move our awful eBay Acura from WI back to the NJ dealership for $552.00. We were told to expect a T or W pickup (the next 2 days) and a TH or F delivery the same week. We had it previously shipped to us for $550.00, so we took Manny up on the bid that morning. (He called from the online request not the ad.)

The same afternoon I had 2 voicemails waiting while I showered. It was a trucker trying to get a hold of me cuz he was on his way to pick up our car that same day!!! WOW! I contacted him once I verified it was from National Auto and he picked my car up at 4:30pm that day!

That's not all!!! The driver called the next day, Tuesday, August 24, to let us know the car had been delivered back to the used car lot in NJ!!! Just over 24 hours later!!! WHOA!

By the way, Cofi was the driver assigned to us from Sap Delivery Service in GA. He was a very nice person and did everything right! We will definitely use National Auto Shipping again and request Sap Delivery and hopefully get Cofi too!!! He was so punctual and really helped make a bad eBay situation a whole lot better! Thanks Cofi!

Thank you Manny! I understand that our situation was a lucky one too because Cofi happen to be in our state that day but still, the fact that he had our car returned to NJ the next day was amazing! What a great experience!