Liars, cheats, swindlers. Despite thousands of dollars in deposits ($4,000) and signing, in good faith, all their paperwork, they never showed up when promised to move our household from Virginia to Wisconsin. I e-mailed and telephoned a week and two weeks in advance to confirm ... and was told that everything was as \"a go.\" Yeah, right. The day before our move, we were informed by the agent that WE called to confirm pick-up information that they had no record of being contracted with by Nationwide to handle our move. This despite the fact that Nationwide changed our van lines three times ... and insisted that we purchase our insurance through them (a practice discouraged by bona vide van lines) since they claimed that the van line now assigned to us wasn\'t covered by any of the \"other\" moving insurance firms out there. Because of employment, we had to leave everything in our house XXXfurniture, furnishings, collectibles, etc. XXXwhile we moved to another state halfway across the country and attempted to resolve the moving situation. Nobody at Nationwide takes \"ownership\" of your account when push comes to shove. You\'re put on hold, disconnected, asked to repeat your information time and again to low level clerks who have no authority, responsibility or power to help resolve the issues. We have no idea when our household goods will be picked up, by whom, or when they\'ll arrive ... let alone the condition in which we\'ll receive them. We did everything possible XXXand paid a substantial deposit upfront XXXin good faith when dealing with this company. They are not to be trusted.
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