Signed contract for $500 shipping fee and Polar would provide a gas voucher for $300 (prepaid $150 as agreed to in contract), I told Gina at the time that she would not follow through with the voucher and (as expected) neither she, Marilyn nor Polar did so! Called many times (from Jan 1 to March11, 2011) and Polar even faxed me a copy of the voucher so I could see what it looked like!! YOU GOT IT, THE ACTUAL VOUCHER NEVER ARRIVED. After signing a contract for $500 they called back and wanted another $50 which I did not pay and when the truck arrived (very nice carrier and I can provide his name directly to you if you like, would reduce your shipping cost by at least $100) I showed him my contract and paid him the balance of $350.
Now for the unbelievable part I am not really mad at Polar because I was quite certain they would default on the voucher since their claim was to good to be true, however, it is a matter of principal when someone says what they will do and then does not do it. So my advise find another carrier and be sure to read the growing number of compaints about a carrier that has only been in business a very short time. LET THE SHIPPER BE WARE! POLAR SHOULD HAVE AN OFFICE IN WASHINGTON DC WITH CONGRESS, SAME MOULD!
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