Tony Blais
Submitted this review about Preferred Auto Transport Review made Live: 4/28/2010 8:04:00 AM
The vehicle was by no means a show car, and there was additional damage incurred during transport, but they did not add any additional major dings and dangs, and for that reason would use the carrier again. Was sorry that I did not have the fixed mast antenna removed because not only did it get bent to shi$ out of the antenna mast, but the base got damaged and the top of the fender where the base is secured is also now damaged.
They also managed to nerf the corners of the rear bumper and add some nice scratches on the bumper and left side quarter.
The carrier may deny they done any damage at all because, because, as I mentioned, this Monte is no show car and the driver marked up the picture of every imperfection, but I know the pre-existing damage was to this car.
To summarize, I would use Preferred again for something that is not a show piece, and take precautions like the removing antenna, and maybe even the outside mirrors.
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