Did not show up when I had them scheduled between 8am-10am. Called at 8:20 am to tell me they were having truck issues and they may be late. I called at 10:30 to ask them where they were they told me "we are finishing up here and will be over to your place by 11:30." They did not show; I called the sales people at 12:17, to no response. Rescheduled with me for several days later between 12pm-4pm. Then movers decided to try to come at 8 am and told me I was wrong about my window, but then called dispatch to actually see the scheduled time. Afterward, they did arrive. The forman spent excessive time discussing his previous drug crimes, violating probation and how he was doing us a favor by coming "at our time." He then drove far below the speed limit while following my car to increase billable time and missed lights purposefully. The move could have been finished in 2 hours but took 4 hours and 15 mins to complete. But then charged me for 5 hours including the time it took to disclose the substantial property they had damaged. No furniture was reassemble (per contract), scratched my hardwood floors, newly painted walls were ripped/ torn and put a huge hole in my dresser. Also drove over lawn bursting water main, then denied it to me after I called the city maintenance crew. I would not recommend this company to anyone! They are beyond unprofessional and appeared to have never moved anything. They thought they could take advantage of me because I am a young woman, if there were an option to give them zero stars, I would do so.
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