To summarize; this company did not adhere to the requested pickup and drop off date. The first driver contact was oing to deliver 2 days early and wouldn't meet the time frame needed or requested. Micheal then stated that this is a popular route and there would be other trucks. Days passed and nothing. I had to contact another company to get the vehicle there on time. So, I suppose this "could" happen as it was requested by me a few days in advance of the pickup. However, when there wasn't a pickup at all,or even follow up calls, I requested a refund. Micheal stated in a few emails that it would take 21 days to get the refund. This was the 1st week of January. It's now almost April. I'll add, all contact was by email, so I have proof that he stated a refund was due. I even have 2 emails from him asking me to remind him/follow up on another day. One of those requests was due to the storm weather in February. Needless to say, I did follow up, now he just doesn't even reply. I am owed $94.95. I read the company's testimonials on their website and it states 93% satisfaction(I didn't see any postings from the 7%). Good customer service is when all goes as planned, the driver picks up and delivers, after all, the actual driver does the leg work. GREAT customer service is when there is a problem, the company knows how and actively tries to resolve the issue the customer. This was horrible service, I was purposely ignored after I did not get the service requested....ZERO PROBLEM RESOLUTION! A core value of any company!
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