Sales rep (Mariam) sold me a pick up service of a car I purchase based on a exact certain day and a set fee and a deposit where by if pick up was not performed that my deposit will be refunded in full. They took my deposit , never responded to my emails, never communicated , did not pick up the car and did not refund my deposit .... I have emails and documents that prove the same fact how ever UFA: -Charged my card $180 as deposit to pace order. -Never picked up my car or communicated other arrangements -UFA is not issuing my refund credit on the deposit I paid, and service they never performed. - They caused me inconvenience and additional expenses due to a promises they never delivered. - I see this behavior as a habit to many other clients can be found all over the net which I also have it documented.
Stay a way fro this company ..... complaints all over the net
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North Carolina
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